The stag night. The hen party. The kitchen tea – whatever your name for it, your bachelor and bachelorette parties are a chance for your friends to help you celebrate the last occasion before your big occasion – the wedding of your dreams. You need a photographer who can help you capture the fun and games and make sure they’re a night never to be forgotten.
“Essentially photography is life lit up.”
— Sam Abell
Choose the service offering that best suits your requirements
The photographer is there for you to use , photographer is at your Service.
R1000 – 10 Hour of Service on the Day
The Photographer will follow you wherever you wanna go
Bring your own Props for your own fun
I believe a great photographer is neither seen nor heard – they operate in the shadows to bring out the light of your events. That is how I work.
To prepare properly for your event. I ask that we discuss the details and your expectations – from your direction, I can set up an area and take “staged photographs” supported by lighting equipment. I also mingle and capture the event spontaneously and candidly as the occasion unfolds.
Thereafter, as arranged, I will deliver all the unedited photos that I captured. Just to say thank you, I will edit 10 of your favourite photos (which you will choose) for me to edit and send to you.
Please note:
Additional edited photos will only cost R15 per photo for the first 10 thereafter, R10 per photo.